Thursday 17 December 2009

Christmas Production 2009

This year we perfomed 'The Nativity'. This was the traditional story of Christmas. All the children performed really well and the singing was excellent.

Mary, Joseph and the donkey!

The excellent Narrators.

Some beautiful angles!

What the children thought:

My favourite part was ' Ring out the Bells' - Sakina 2H

I was a shepherd in the play. I had to say "Ooh! We've brought some lambs for him," to Mary and Joseph. - Kitty 2H

I had to sing a song and I had to do choreography - Rafail, 2L

My favourite part was when the kings gave baby Jesue presents. The whole play was fantastic. - Denis, 2L

I liked following the donkey to Bethlehem. - Tommy 2B

My favourite part of the nativity was enjoying myself on the stage and making my Mummy smile. - Lauren, 2B